Elli Vassalou (1983° GR) is a Brussels-based transmedia artist, architect, activist, and researcher. She has studied Architecture and Urbanism [M.Arch.] at the Patras School of Architecture – GR and Visual Arts [M.A.] , at Autonomous ...

some dances last longer than castles: Çiftetelli [embodied research] 2024-2026
An embodied research on the cross-cultural, diasporic practice of Çiftetelli as a tool for collective healing, feminist place making and queer joy.

A VOCAL SOUND NOT YET FOUND [performative assemblies] 2023-2024
"We wish to share personal and collective stories that originate from our experinces within different social and political systems, and the landscape of Art institutions. Stories do not just show who we are but also what we have in common with others; not just who we think we are, but also what shared circumstances shape our lives and our interdependent destinies."

The Post (Film) Collective [Collective Filmaking] 2020-24
The act of filmmaking needs to be reassembled. Foregrounding the social and open-ended process of filmmaking, the Belgium-based Post (Film) Collective is trying to formulate a language that correlates to collective experience.

SURPLUS CINEMAS [film programming, workshop and collective research] 2021 – 2023
Feminisms and filmmaking in the context of Greece and intertwining diasporas

The Post Collective [autonomous platform of co-creation] 2018- present
https://www.thepostcollective.be/ Since 2018 The Post Collective has been an autonomous platform of co-creation, co-learning and cultural activism created by and for refugees, asylum seekers, sans-papiers and accomplices. It introduces a range of artistic, cultural and employment opportunities and provides an environment of commoning for its members regardless of their legal status.

METACΠΟΡΑ [collective embodied research] 2021 -2023
” If the concept of diaspora, idealistic and romantic, is supported by a return of memories, real or fantasmatic, from the fact of remembering a lost origin, that of metaspora seeks to make becoming present ...

Espace Fxmme: Getting Softer [textile design co-creation] 2021-2022
Getting Softer is a series of workshops on different textile techniques that took place on the Thursday meetings of Espace Fxmme, aiming to create softer vessels of hospitality for the community of Globe Aroma. Using ...

Espace Fxmme: TALK WITH THE WALLS [spatial design co-creation] 2020-2021
A reflection, design exercise and action on the space of Globe Aroma following the values of intersectionality, solidarity, participation, creativity, inclusion, and care.

YOUYOU Group [collective practice, community] 2014-today
YOUYOUYOU is the name of a vocal performance which since its inception to this very day is the most important touring work of the YouYou group. 12 or more performers use a high trill or ululation as point of departure. Through an intricate system of overlappings, interactions, and relays, the performers join forces and hold the trill in the air for 8 to 10 minutes long. A sonic marathon with a sonic whiplash.

Syntrofisses [p2p ethnographic workshop] 2019
Syntrofisses* Facilitated by Elli Vassalou, 18-19/06/2019 “Inhabiting the borderlands” summer school, FAC: Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, Athens, GR 2 days workshop, cooking and exploring together with a group of cis and queer wxmen our ...

OPEN DESIGN COURSE for refugees and asylum seekers [experimental education] 2016-2019
http://opendesigncourse.be KASK / School of Arts Ghent offers a course in Open Design for refugees and asylum seekers currently staying in Belgium. The course program focuses on Open Design as a technological and as a ...

Sasé Istwé [audiovisual platform] 2019
Sasé istwé - searching for stories, searching for trouble- by Maxime Jean-Baptiste and Elli Vassalou Can we speak up and enact a non-colonial, polyvocal take on a story? In which ways does it resonate in contemporary times? Sasé Istwé is a film project and a polyphonic platform which dialogues with “L’affaire des Insurges de Cayenne” 1928-1931...

Syntrofi -on privilege- [performative lunches] 2019
Participatory lunch performance produced with the School of Love for the “EXERCICES IN AWERNESS” programme, “Women and Children First” festival, Vooruit, Ghent | January – February 2019.

SPLASH! [social choreography] 2018
a performance for the pool Mimosa in Kortrijk Myriam Van Imschoot & Christine De Smedt | Artistic leadership and direction Keren Kraizer, Louis Nam Le Van Ho, Elli Vassalou, Liza Baliasnaja | Creative collaboration

Parallel Perceptions [video walking performance, workshop] 2017-18
'Parallel perceptions' Social and choreographic research using video walking (dance / media arts)

School Of LOVE [platform for collective artistic practices] 2016-2021
www.schooloflove.be Scool of Love (SOL) is a platform for collective practices that stem from reflections on the notion of Love as a public concern and a political mode of being that should be taught in ...

Syntrofi [σύντροφοι] performative lunches – research\social design 2017
Syntrofi [σύντροφοι] performative lunches Syntrofi: Greek compound word coming from feed [trofi] + together [syn] and means companions,comrades,lovers... Master visual arts - Autonomous design

Body Camera methodology [filmmaking practice] 2014-today
Elli started to develop her “Body Camera” methodology as a means of immersive documentation in the context of her collaboration with theatre maker and performer: Anna Tzakou for the Geopoetics group (The body is the ground ...

The city as a dream of presence [Geopeotics urban laboratory] 2016
Performance group Geopoetics, urban laboratory November 2016 facilitators: Elli Vassalou (architect, multimedia artist, performer), Anna Tzakou (performer, theatre deviser) Exhibition [OUT] TOP\AS: Performance & Public / Outdoor Space, Benaki Museum - Peiraios 138

the Narrative Thread [collective action] October 2016
video installation, public participatory action by Elli Vassalou OUTSIDERS project, residency in Zsenne Art Lab, Brussels, October 2016 initiative: Eve Bonneau

Performing Objects – End To End [Experimental research project] 2016
Initiated by: Marjolijn Dijkman and Kristof Van Gestel www.enoughroomforspace.org For the project End To End the experimental group Performing Objects is inspired by Lean Management, a form of factory management developed by Toyota in Japan. ...

safe passage – safe stay [photography] 2015-2016
documentary Photography [December 2015, March 2016, ongoing] In situ documentation at the island of Lesvos. Reuse and transformations of the most common sea migration objects [life vests and rubber boats] by the safe passage movement. ...

S P A C E T R I P [performance] April 2016
Hanna Kolbel [cello, dramaturgy] , Elli Vassalou [camera improvisation and video, performance, choreography, graphic design]

The Parthenons – narratives of glory, disgrace and… [workshop and postcards] 2016
The workshop focuses on two monuments' symbolism through time, Parthenon in Athens and the National Monument in Edinburgh, their relation to memory, their role in building national myths and the ways residents and visitors experience them today. It also seeks to investigate or establish new connections between them; connections that wish to challenge established perspectives.

Object Biographies: relocation, reuse, transformation [research, web archive] 2016
An artistic research focusing on the mediterranean coasts www.objectbios.wordpress.com Artists : Sofia Grigoriadou, Elli Vassalou

water and dreams [research in underwater dance] 2015
an idea by Elli Vassalou - research and experimentation on apneistic underwater movement - performers, movement researchers: Gitsa Kostantoudaki, Elli Vassalou

BLIND DATE #12 [assistant curator] 2006-2015
Blind Date #12 is an interdisciplinary, art research platform, having as its basic axis the collaboration between a changing group of contemporary fine artists and a group with a background in arts and sciences of other disciplines.

SHETISTES [photography] 2014
Site Specific Installation at the Slow Festival, held in semi-abandoned building at Panepistimiou 64 Omonia Sq. by Marianna Xyntaraki + Lida Voutsina photography Elli Vassalou more about this project @hiboux Architecture περισσότερα για τους Σχετιστες εδώ ...

scotoma [action, video performance] 2014
in situ on going action for the athens video dance project festival, Athens February 2014 Maya Dalinsky, Elli Vassalou

topophilia [Research in body-landscape Performance Practice] 2013
a psycho-geography performance Athens, December 2013 ‘Topophilia: the manifestation of the human love of place…the human being’s affective ties with the material environment’ (Tuan, Yi-Fu, 1974: 92)

I DWELL NOW [photography] 2013
diy housing in contemporary greece concept, research, photography: Elli Vassalou

geopoetics project: Nissiros [Research in Performance Practice] 2013
εργαστήριο γεωποιητικής: Nίσυρος Μάιος – Ιουνιος 2013 ΤΟ ΣΩΜΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΟ ΧΩΜΑ ΠΑΝΩ ΣΤΟ ΟΠΟΙΟ ΠΕΡΠΑΤΑΜΕ παραστατική πρακτική αυτοσχεδιασμού και σύνθεσης βάσει τη σχέση σώματος και τοπίου Through dance we can rediscover our spiritual identity ...

Nissirian Landscape [photography] 2010-13
Series of Lanscape and Archiecture photography of the Nissirian natural and folk Heritage. 2010-2013 Images of an island crafted by volcanic fire and mens work through the centuries. NIssiros Island, Dodekanede, Greece Elli Vassalou Solo ...

lavandulas herbs & soaps [branding] 2012
graphic design, packaging, photography, web design, posters ect for the artisanal soapmaking company lavandulas herbs and soaps

erket [web+graphic design] 2010
creative design, photography, logo, web design, posters for Research Centre for Greek Singing [ER.K.E.T.]

μαύρος γάτος / black cat [short film] 2010
Μαύρος Γάτος / Black Cat, Μυθοπλασία / fiction, 17′, 2010 Ο “Μαύρος Γάτος” δεν είναι άλλος από τον τραγικό ρεμπέτη Ανέστη Δελιά, που γεννήθηκε στη Σμύρνη το 1912 και πέθανε ηρωινομανής στην Αθήνα το καλοκαίρι του ...

kanellatou.gr [web+graphic design] 2009
web, graphic design and photography for Vivi Kanellatou – Greek traditional and popular singing web design: Elli Vassalou web development: Nanis Apostolos, Pantazopoulos Grigoris graphic design + photography: Elli Vassalou

tribute to Man Ray [video art, video performance] 2009
Les Mystères du château de Dé [revised] by Louiza Anagnostou σανατόριο στον Υμμητό_ερειπωμένο κτήριο του μοντέρνου κινήματος _ίχνη που αφήνει ο άνθρωπος στο χώρο_επηρεασμένο από το φιλμ του Man Ray, Les Mystères du château de ...

astiko horio [thesis, collective action] 2009
Αστικό χωριό – Proposal of Urban Inhabitancy in a District of Cholargos [Athens, Greece] www.astikohorio.blogspot.com Thesis, December 2009 Anagnostou Louiza, Vassalou Elli Supervisor: N.P.Kazeros University of Patras, Polytechnic School, Department of Architecture Astiko Ηorio [urban village] is ...

Adonis Volanakis [assistant set+costumes designer] 2005-2009
Assistant of Adonis Volanakis artist/scenographer in theatre productions and Installations – “Glause’s Dress rehearsal” – Video Installation / Video performance, graphic design of the accompanying leaflet, European Cultural Centre of Delphi 2009 –L’Institut français de ...

Interurban spaces [research paper] 2008
Interurban Spaces – travelling through Athens and Patras Research Paper, University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Patras 2008 By Elli Vassalou supervisor N.P.Kazeros read the paper here [Greek only] Travelling creates a ...

How to Construct Public Space between Art and Education? [Workshop] 2007
The workshop was presented in the second international conference on the ARTS in Society within the context of the contemporary art exhibition Documenta 12 [Kassel, august 2007]

L.A.J.E. [dancetheatre production] 2007
L.A.J.E. BY STUDIO EKFRASIS | A DANCETHEATRE ENSEMBLE direction Mare Galani The show, combining teatre and contemporary dance, concerns the female nature and is based on the biographies and the writings of four women: Lou ...

Timelessness Islets [installation, video, collective action] 2006
Mnemotechnics of the City / Timelessness Islets / Νησίδες α-χρονικότητας working team: Daphne Aidoni, Elli Vassalou, Vicky Polychronopoulou “asserting the value of incomplete built forms is a political act … it asserts … that the public ...

Urban Tells | E.G.Ladopoulos [research, web archive, video performance] 2006
www.egladopoulos.blogspot.gr laboratory for visual arts | department of architecture | university of Patras Daphne Aidoni, Elli Vassalou, Marina Biza A story, in order to be kept alive, needs to be narrated, a building in order to ...

House4Talk [research, collective action] 2006
house4talk.blogspot.gr 4 discussions in 4 houses, collective initiative for the construction of public space between students and the city. A collaborative project evolving in parallel to the exhibition "what remains is future" Patras cultural city of Europe 2006.

ego burn [performance, video installation] 2005
ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΣ, ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ / ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΗ, ΒΙΝΤΕΟ Έλλη Βασσάλου Σάββατο, 14 Μαΐου 2005, 8:00 π.μ. Κοιμάμαι στο κρεβάτι μου, ξαφνικά ξυπνάω από φωνές. Το σπίτι μου έχει τυλιχτεί στις φλόγες. Φεύγω, χωρίς να πάρω τίποτα μαζί μου, ...