  • Adonis Volanakis [assistant set+costumes designer] 2005-2009

    Assistant of Adonis Volanakis artist/scenographer in theatre productions and Installations

    - “Glause's Dress rehearsal - Video Installation / Video performance, graphic design of the accompanying leaflet, European Cultural Centre of Delphi 2009 -L’Institut français de Grèce à Athènes 2010 GR
    - “A Macbeth” - Theatre production, assistant set designer, model making. Alkmini theatre, January 2007, Athens GR
    - “ 9th commandment - Thou shalt not bear false witness” - Theatre production, video installation [animation design], National Theatre, Experimental scene “Theatre Ex-Macina”, December 2006, Athens GR
    - “The witches” and “Paper moon” - opera production, assistant set designer/costume designer: concept development, model making, construction plans. Greek National Opera, Experimental scene, May 2006, Athens GR
    - “Agamemnon”, theatre production, assistant costume designer, Lithografion theatre, European Capitale of Culture, 2006, Patras GR