  • The Post (Film) Collective [Collective Filmaking] 2020-24

    "With the notion that when you tell a story in assembly there is no owner, as the story creates the assembly, we are trying to find our own ‘story,' which will create its own assembly.” The act of filmmaking needs to be reassembled. Foregrounding the social and open-ended process of filmmaking, the Belgium-based Post (Film) Collective is trying to formulate a language that correlates to collective experience. Who has the right to make art? Can flourishing be a human right? Who does space belong to? Who gets to draw borders, producing subjects inside and outside and thereby the conditions of migration? The collective describes their work as a rehearsal of “the capacity to hold space for each other”, which includes first and foremost to accept and encourage the otherness of each perspective while holding onto the desire to make images together. The Post (Film) Collective uses the format of a Ciné-Assembly: a practice of cinema as a form of gathering and communal assembly (between the audience, the films, the filmmakers and the cinema space) which opens up collective knowledge-production, reciprocal exchange and ethics of connectedness. THE POST (FILM) COLLECTIVE, in collaboration with Robin Vanbesien elaborates on the work and experiences of The Post Collective in the realm of cinema. They have produced together a series of short experimental films that have been presented in a Ciné-Assembly or separately in Film Festivals, Art spaces and Academic Conferences such as Migrant Cinema 2024 (University of Kent) Purple Meridians 2023, Durango Book-Music-Cinema Fair (Basque Country), Feminist Elsewheres 2023, Cine Arsenal (Berlin), NECS 2023, (University of Oslo),  Surplus Cinema 2022, Beursschouwburg (Brussels); Visite Festival 2022, Hetbos (Antwerp), CCQO conference 2022, University of Antwerp, Ciné Place-Making study circle, Kaaistudios (Brussels), Openbare Werken festival 2021, Viernulvier (Ghent), Naively Radical Research Week 2023 + 2021, Sint Lucas Antwerp. Their work is supported by VAF (Flemish Audiovisual Fund), Beursschouwburg, Kunsthal Gent, KUNSTENPUNT, Netwerk Aalst, ARIA (Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts), Sint Lucas School of Arts Antwerp, SOFAM. selected film experiments:  Rerooting (19') On our relationship with Nature, borders and ancestors
    Flourishing (1’16’’) Animation on the rights to have rights and flourish
    breadmakers/filmmakers (10’42’’)
    on collective making and sharing knowledge
    Space is the place (16’20’’) On place-making, parenthood and metasporic futures