water and dreams [research in underwater dance] 2015
by Elli Vassalou
research and experimentation on apneustic underwater movement https://vimeo.com/157566520 Water is the element that gave birth to life. The sea is not the natural environment of the human being, but there is a memory of it hidden underneath our daily selves, that goes back in the womb or even further back to our evolutionary body characteristics. The Mammalian diving reflex is an automatic reaction when we submerge in water, t causes Bradycardia, a decrease in heart rate that is also occurring normally in the state of deep sleep and meditation. That makes aquatic environment a common place for dreams and introspection. In the underwater world, human body can move liberated from gravity and fly over the landscape. Movement is not devised by weight but from buoyancy and respiration. What are the possibilities of working in this environment while discovering the personal and communal psychophysical effect?7 days workshop in the submarine landscape of Maherida Beach performers, movement researchers: Gitsa Kostantoudaki, Elli Vassalou Chania, Crete, Greece, August 2015
video documentation & editing by Elli Vassalou music in the video documentation composed by Tom Adams for Piano Day March 29 2015, track "Submarine"