The Narrative Thread** video installation, public participatory action by Elli Vassalou
video action: following the path of an unknown person that in an unknown time stacked outside of Zsenne gallery the sticker "no one is illegal", I follow the stickers through the city, making visible the narration of this previous action. In the same time, with my blue yarn, I frame and connect items and relations I see [through this trajectory] in the public space, related in a way with the notion of the stranger\foreigner, legal illegal and more.
I create a "film" that the body is the celluloid and the blue yarn is the camera that zooms in details, creating the story.
live action 2: after watching the instruction video - installation, the people can follow the path and also take pieces [threads] of the blue yarn and add up their narrations and interests in the "story".
Different people took the same path in public space, connecting their bodies through time and movement. the yarn plays the role of the storyteller, but the story is be open for interpretation of the people that follow the trajectory. The Narrative thread makes the exploration of the public space a polyphonic collective experience, that activates one body at a time but connects the bodies through different times in space.
** thread: a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving.
Narrative thread: A narrative thread, or plot thread (or more ambiguously, a storyline), refers to particular elements and techniques of writing to center the story in the action or experience of characters rather than to relate a matter in a dry "all knowing" sort of narration. [wiki]